After months of saying his position on same-sex marriage is “evolving,” President Obama on Wednesday traded that language for comments that stopped just short of endorsing the notion that gay people have the right to marry....A good thing... Apparently he's evolved into Martha Stewart:
“I think what you’re seeing is a profound recognition on the part of the American people that gays and lesbians and transgender persons are our brothers, our sisters, our children, our cousins, our friends, our co-workers, and that they’ve got to be treated like every other American,” Mr. Obama said at a news conference. “And I think that principle will win out.”
The president went on: “I think we’re moving in a direction of greater equality and – and I think that’s a good thing.”
Mr. Obama used those same words – “a good thing” – to describe the debate in New York that led to last week’s passage of a law making same-sex marriage legal.